Welcome to "The Hi WRLD Show", an animated comedy series set in the quirky town of Snowbird, USA. Our story follows Paxton, also known as Lil Peezy, a young man with ADHD and social anxiety who dreams of becoming a professional wrestler like his hero, Rey Mysterio Jr. When Paxton puts on his cherished lucha libre mask and transforms into El WAM, he gains newfound confidence, always accompanied by his loyal pigeon perched atop his signature orange football helmet.
Supporting Paxton are his brothers—Trent (Ton), a spiritual thinker with a flair for philosophy, and Rocky, the practical and responsible eldest sibling. Their childhood friend Coops adds sharp wit and an adventurous spirit, bringing a fresh dynamic to their group. Together, they navigate surreal adventures filled with humor and heart.
Set against Snowbird's magical backdrop, "The Hi WRLD Show" blends sharp humor with heartfelt moments, exploring themes of self-discovery, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams.
Be Part of the Show
This is your opportunity to join a groundbreaking animated series and bring your very own character to life in "The Hi WRLD Show". As a Casting Call Pass holder, you'll be directly involved in the writing process, collaborating with our creative team to shape the stories that unfold in Snowbird, USA. Enjoy exclusive behind-the-scenes access to scriptwriting sessions, unique art creation, and special invitations to events and premieres. Space is limited to ensure each participant has a meaningful impact on the show, so don’t miss your chance to be part of something truly extraordinary.